Asbestos, a naturally occurring fibrous mineral, was used in a variety of commercial, industrial and residential applications dating back to the turn of the century. It was praised as the "Miracle mineral" due to its acoustical, insulating and fire resistant properties.
Increasing health concerns have led to numerous studies, which revealed that asbestos causes asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma (cancer of the chest and stomach cavities). Asbestos is banned in many countries. In the United States and Europe and now in the Middle - East, there are very strict laws and guidelines on removal and disposal of asbestos.
Asbestos is an excellent insulator and will not burn. Due to its properties it has been widely used all over the world and we come into contact very often and do not even realise it, nor did we know the serious danger when dealing with it. Today we realise the serious problems asbestos caused and how to deal with it and keep people safe from it devastating effects. Removal of Asbestos materials safely requires special training.
Respirators are not the first line of defense against exposure to Asbestos fibers. Engineering controls are the most important steps by using wet down procedures, negative air, Containment, HEPA vacuums and ongoing monitoring.
Safety is of paramount importance because the illness only becomes apparent after 20-30 years after exposure. Safety controls while removing asbestos is absolutely critical and training is of paramount importance. All clothing is disposed of after being used in a contaminated area. All staff go through a decontamination process to ensure no fibers are taken out of the contaminated area. All removed Asbestos has to be disposed of as per local regulations with a special license at dedicated land field. All Asbestos waste of contaminated clothing is double bagged in thick 200 micron plastic bags, all duly labeled with warning information
Dirty Laundry systems contain high quantities of lint besides other contamination. This lint is a major fire hazard as most of it is cotton, which is known to be highly inflammable. Besides high quantities of lint also lead to blockage of the ducts, thereby rendering the exhaust system ineffective. To eliminate these possibilities it is necessary to clean the system regularly and by using appropriate cleaning methods